C++ Programming Examples - Overview


This tutorial covers essential C++ programs designed for beginners. These programs will introduce you to basic concepts and help build a strong foundation in C++ programming.

1. Hello World Program

The most fundamental program in any programming language. This program prints "Hello, World!" to the screen and introduces the basic structure of a C++ program.

2. Basic Input and Output

Learn how to take input from the user and display output on the screen. This program demonstrates the use of cin for input and cout for output.

3. Sum of Two Numbers

A simple program to add two numbers entered by the user and display the result. This introduces basic arithmetic operations.

4. Find the Largest of Three Numbers

A program to determine the largest of three numbers provided by the user. This helps in understanding conditional statements like if-else.

5. Check Even or Odd

A program to check if a number entered by the user is even or odd. This reinforces the use of conditional statements and modulo operations.

6. Simple Calculator

Create a simple calculator that performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division based on user input. This program covers switch-case statements and basic arithmetic operations.

7. Factorial of a Number

Calculate the factorial of a number provided by the user. This introduces loops and the concept of factorials.

8. Fibonacci Sequence

Generate the Fibonacci sequence up to a specified number of terms. This program demonstrates the use of loops and sequences.

9. Prime Number Check

Check if a number entered by the user is a prime number. This helps in understanding loops and conditional checks.

10. Reverse a Number

Reverse the digits of a number provided by the user. This introduces concepts of loops and mathematical operations.

11. Palindrome Check

Determine if a number is a palindrome. This program combines the concepts of reversing a number and comparing values.

12. Armstrong Number Check

Check if a number is an Armstrong number. This introduces more complex mathematical operations and loops.

13. Simple Array Operations

Perform basic operations on arrays such as calculating the sum and average of elements. This introduces arrays and basic iteration.

14. Find the Largest Element in an Array

Find the largest element in an array of numbers. This program helps in understanding array traversal and comparison operations.

15. Matrix Addition

Add two matrices provided by the user. This introduces multi-dimensional arrays and nested loops.

16. Matrix Multiplication

Multiply two matrices. This is a more complex operation involving multi-dimensional arrays and nested loops.

17. String Reversal

Reverse a string entered by the user. This program demonstrates string manipulation and loops.

18. Count Vowels and Consonants in a String

Count the number of vowels and consonants in a string. This introduces string traversal and character checks.

19. Sorting an Array (Bubble Sort)

Sort an array using the bubble sort algorithm. This introduces sorting algorithms and their implementation.

20. Searching in an Array (Linear Search, Binary Search)

Perform linear and binary searches on an array. This helps in understanding search algorithms and their efficiency.

21. Swapping Two Numbers without a Temporary Variable

Swap two numbers without using a temporary variable. This introduces arithmetic operations for swapping values.

22. Using Pointers to Swap Values

Swap the values of two variables using pointers. This helps in understanding the basics of pointers.

23. Demonstration of Functions

Create and use functions for modular programming. This program introduces function declaration, definition, and calling.

24. Recursive Function for Factorial

Calculate the factorial of a number using a recursive function. This introduces the concept of recursion in programming.



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